Opt-Out Rules for Email Marketing and Lead Nurturing

Clicking the ‘opt-out’ link at the bottom of a lead nurturing or email marketing email will set the email marketing permission for that user to ‘opt-out’.  Opting out of one lead nurturing track now opts out of all lead nurturing and opts out of e-marketing as well.

  1. If a contact opts out of a lead nurturing track, they are opted out of all lead nurturing tracks and the contact email marketing permission is set to “opt out”
  2. If a contact’s email marketing permission is set to “opt out”, they cannot be added to a lead nurturing track (via workflow automation or “add to lead nurturing track” features)
  3. If a contact’s email marketing permission is set to “opt out” (via update contact dialog or “update contacts” feature), the contact is opted out of all lead nurturing tracks


If there are duplicate contacts with the same email address, only the contact that was opted out will be opted out.  The duplicate that was not opted out can still receive lead nurturing email and email marketing email.

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