Offline Component Troubleshooting

This document describes what to do when the offline component is installed but not displaying in Outlook.

To confirm that the add-in is set to load when Outlook starts:

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click Tools > Options…
  3. Select the Other tab
  4. Click Advanced Options…
  5. Click COM Add-Ins…
    CRM Tool should appear in the list and be checked – this is what controls whether it loads when Outlook starts. If it is not checked, check it and then click OK to close the dialog. That should load the add-in immediately and the toolbar button should appear. If it does not, repeat the process above again to see if it stayed checked. If it did not, then this is because the add-in has been disabled and you’ll need to re-enable it

To check to see if Outlook has disabled the add-in, from the main menu again:

  1. On Outlook main screen click Help > About Microsoft Office Outlook
  2. Click Disabled Items…
    If CRM Tools appears in the list then you need to re-enable it. Then you may need to repeat the first series of five steps again to ensure it is checked in the COM Add-Ins list.

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